My People Israel

I’ve heard different accounts of why HAMAS got away with this attack on Israel. The mainstream narrative seems to be, Netanyahu maliciously let it happen, knowing it was about to. That made me think about Pearl Harbor, and I hope this perspective is inaccurate. I generally watch Christian based podcasts/casters and I think it’s important to be and stay aware of what God has to say about Israel and her enemies. I grew up with a horribly ungodly viewpoint about Israel which came from my family and the Lutheran church. But in the last several years I have spent more time in the Old Testament than in the New, and God has been able to change my heart and my ignorant, religious criticism of Israel. In reality, Israel is the center of the Universe. Almighty God has chosen to set up His new Kingdom smack-dab on it. (Spoiler alert: Where God lives = the center of the universe)

There is so much backstory and depth to the trite felt-board stories many of us grew up learning in Sunday school. There is a 0% chance that Israel will ever be destroyed; it is the main point of Daniel & Isaiah’s prophesies and the whole theme of Revelation. Martin Luther was more vehemently hateful of Jews than Adolph Freaking Hitler! If you don’t believe me, read his own book The Jews And Their Lies by Martin Luther My own dad said the Jews deserved what happened in WW2 because they let themselves be herded onto trains. He kept an authentic nazi swastika as a war relic and when I threw it away as the demonic symbol it is, he was irate and made me pay him for it. My big shot self-described global evangelist baby brother is so brain dead blind ignorant stupid he scoffs at all future Israel prophesy and says ‘there are no Jews anymore.’

A Christian Jew living in Israel who I listened to in a podcast pointed out God is 100% on the side of Israel-period. Any decent prophesy scholar/eschatologist will know this, as should every Christian although I was an ignorant religious jerk about it myself for decades having grown up that way 🙄

Anyway, this man equated God’s destroying Sodom and Gomorrah with God destroying the Gaza Strip. God destroyed it. The story is in Genesis 19.

God foretold in Zephaniah that Moab and Ammon would end up like Sodom and Gomorrah. That’s present day Jordan, and Syria. Isaiah foretold that Damascus will be left a “heap of rubble.” Are we about to see these prophesied unfold? 🤔

Yes I thought about FDR but I don’t feel this was an evil move on Netanyahu’s part. What I’ve heard and read is that he was warned by Egyptian Intelligence days before it happened that this strike was planned, but that he dismissed it. I understand Golda Meir made the same horrific error in judgment 50 years ago. Both of these PMs have served Israel well; nobody can convince me that Netanyahu doesn’t love his country and the Jewish people ARE Israel. If he did this knowingly, he’s just like our beloved FDR who destroyed Pearl Harbor on purpose as an excuse to get into the war. Don’t get me started on anyone named Bush. Either way, it’ll be the end of Bibi’s career just like it was Golda’s.

I encourage every one of us who loves God, the founder and eternal protector of Israel, to dig deeper into His Word and into His heart, when it comes to Israel and the Jewish people. You do not want to be on the wrong side of this, Beloved.

There is so much to know about how and why Israel and the Jewish people came to be – and it all starts with Genesis 3:15. I wouldn’t say “I could write a book” but I’ve read enough of them that I’ve found it more deeply, lastingly, foundationally, and eternally fulfilling a subject than anything I’ve ever known or cared about. And nothing – nothing – can make one fall more deeply in love with Jesus the Messiah than to know His love for His People Israel. Do you think God loves the wild vine and not the one it’s grafted into? Do you really think the Church “replaced Israel?” Well I used to also, but I was easily corrected by a simple Bible scholar pastor and the error is easily corrected by … reading your Bible. 🤦‍♀️

Sorry for rambling. I just wanted to put in my $0.02 on this war and let everyone know that where I stand with Israel is directly behind God ❤️

Be careful you don’t end up anywhere else, ever, period. And if you are ruffled for any of my President-implicating, you might want to grow up and be willing to learn some basic, easily-provable facts. There is no crying in politics. Except if you’re a woke moron I guess. Anything true, Godly and decent makes those idiots cry, JS.